Thursday 12 April 2007

from Bethany

Yesterday we built the camera up for the first time. We did a few tests in the morning to find out the exposure time.In the afternoon we finally did a full size portrait.It was amazing to watch it being developed and to help with the process.I am still amazed at how it all works, and overwhelmed, to be a part of this project.

Today we went high up onto Haworth Moor. It was a very very exciting day! First we got to ride in a council 4x4. It was a bumpy jumpy journey.Then we built our camera. There were a few last minute adjustments and then we were off.First Amy went inside the camera and took a photo.Then Megan went inside the camera for the next photo.Then the adults lifted our camera and moved it for a different exposure. Next it was my turn to go into the camera to take a photo.Then it was time to pack up and head for our dark room .There is one word to describe the results in the dark room WOW!!!!!

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